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Monday, December 23, 2013

Google Will Reward Active Users of Google Plus through Video of of the Most Prominent Footage in 2013

Google has confirmed that it will reward number of active users of the social network, "Google Plus", the reward is a video clip contain the most prominent footage from user's account through 2013.

Google will create the video automatically using the tool "AutoAwesome", using photos and videos reviewed by the user on his account on "Google Plus."
Google is expected to choose a group of the users of Google Plus social network, where the users will be selected on the basis of the number of photos and videos that they share during the current year.
Google explained that the users which who will be chosen, they will find the video on their Google Plus accounts, and it is ready to share with friends.
Google did not reveal about the possibility of providing new service for all Google Plus users, where will benefit from the service the group that will be chosen by Google.

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